The Adventures of Luna and Ari: behind the illustrations
The Idea to write and illustrate books came to me when my niece was born. I wanted her to know me even though I couldn’t be with her physically. I also wanted to to help her learn Spanish, English and German better. The characters on the book are heavily inspired on my own dogs Luna and Ari. Ari and Luna bring out my creative bug.

For the animal sounds book I wanted to make it a little more basic and focus on the names and the children could interact with it by creating their own sounds instead of me writing them.

For the first book I decided to focus more on Ari and his relationships with all the animals around town. I wanted it to be very colorful and easy to read

Everything is okay is a strong message that I tried to illustrate and write onto this book. Luna and Ari go through some things teaching the kids (and sometimes adults) that despite the hardships of life, everything is going to be okay.

For this particular book I tried to use the combinations of humor and colors to make it stand out.